
Have you been suffering from the discomfort and limitations of Enchondroma? It can be a distressing condition that affects your daily life, hindering your ability to perform even the simplest tasks. Whether it’s a persistent ache, discomfort, or uncertainty about your condition, we understand the impact that Enchondroma can have on your well-being. At the Sydney Orthopaedic Surgeon Clinic, we’ve helped many patients recover from Enchondroma, and we’re here to provide the support and specialist solutions you need.

Led by renowned orthopaedic surgeon and upper limb specialist, Dr Stuart Kirkham, our five clinics located across the Sydney region are dedicated to addressing a wide range of conditions, including the challenges posed by Enchondroma. With over 25 years of expertise in the field, Dr Kirkham is committed to delivering personalised care to each patient, ensuring that your unique needs are met.

Dr Kirkham offers a range of treatment options, from non-surgical approaches such as monitoring and pain management to surgical interventions when necessary. His goal is to promote healing, minimise discomfort, and restore your quality of life and peace of mind. If you’re concerned about Enchondroma or its impact on your daily activities, we encourage you to take the first step towards relief by scheduling a consultation with Dr Kirkham. Your well-being is our priority, and together, we can work towards your recovery and improved quality of life. Contact us today to begin your journey towards a pain-free future.

Anatomy Affected by Enchondroma

Enchondroma is a condition characterised by the growth of benign (non-cancerous) cartilage tumours within the bones. While it can affect various bones in the body, it frequently manifests in the small bones of the hands, particularly in the phalanges, and metacarpals, and occasionally in the long bones of the forearm.

This condition arises from an abnormal development of cartilage, which is a flexible tissue that plays a vital role in bone growth and structure. Within our hands, cartilage is responsible for shaping the tiny bones that allow us to grip, grasp, and manipulate objects with precision. However, Enchondromas disrupt this delicate balance. These tumours, which originate in cartilage, can alter bone growth, leading to deformities and discomfort.


Healthy bone tissue relies on a harmonious blend of minerals and proteins. In the presence of Enchondromas, this harmony is disrupted. These benign growths can weaken the affected bones, making them more susceptible to fractures.

Dr Kirkham has extensive experience and expertise in orthopaedic care, and he is well-equipped to address Enchondromas and their impact on your hand’s intricate anatomy. His commitment to personalised care ensures that you’ll receive a precise diagnosis and a customised plan for your Enchondroma management. If you’re experiencing discomfort or have concerns about Enchondromas affecting your hand bones, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Kirkham for a consultation, and take your first steps towards regaining a more comfortable experience each day.

Causes and Risk Factors for Enchondroma

Enchondroma is a complex condition, and while a definitive cause has not been identified, several factors contribute to its development. It is believed that Enchondromas occurs when cells within the bone turn into cartilage instead of progressing to bone tissue. This abnormal cell behaviour leads to the formation of cartilage tumours within the bones. Notably, Enchondromas are not believed to be triggered by environmental factors such as radiation exposure or chemical substances, dispelling the notion of external causes.

Age plays a significant role in the risk associated with Enchondroma. This condition commonly emerges between the ages of 10 and 20, making adolescents and young adults more susceptible to its development. Gender has not been found to influence the risk of developing Enchondroma, with both males and females equally likely to experience this condition.

No concrete proof has been found of the genetic inheritance of Enchondroma, and while its impacts can be significant, it is not believed to be a hereditary condition. When it comes to lifestyle factors, there has also been no research linking specific activities or behaviours to the development of Enchondroma, such as exposure to chemicals or radiation.

Regardless of its uncertain causes and risk factors, it’s important to address Enchondromas in a timely manner before symptoms manifest and worsen. If you have concerns or questions about Enchondroma, don’t hesitate to consult with Dr Kirkham for personalised guidance and care that brings you a step closer to a pain-free future.

Symptoms and Identification of Enchondroma

Common symptoms associated with Enchondromas can vary depending on the location and size of the cartilage tumours within the bone. Patients may often experience localised discomfort, pain, or swelling in the affected area. The presence of Enchondromas can sometimes lead to bone deformities or fractures if left untreated. In some cases, individuals might notice an abnormal lump or mass near the affected bone.

However, it’s essential to understand that not all Enchondromas manifest with noticeable symptoms. Some cases are asymptomatic, meaning individuals may have these cartilage tumours within their bones without experiencing any noticeable pain or discomfort. These asymptomatic cases can make early detection challenging.

Knowing when to seek medical attention is crucial, especially if you suspect you may have Enchondroma or are experiencing persistent discomfort. While some individuals might dismiss mild pain or swelling, it’s essential not to underestimate potential underlying issues.

Professional diagnosis by a specialist like Dr Kirkham is vital for accurate assessment and personalised treatment. Self-identification, although well-intentioned, can often lead to misdiagnosis or delayed intervention. A professional evaluation typically involves a thorough medical history review, physical examination, and imaging studies to confirm the presence of Enchondroma and determine the most appropriate course of action.

If you have been experiencing persistent pain, discomfort, or abnormalities near your bones, it is highly recommended to consult Dr Kirkham at the Sydney Orthopaedic Surgeon Clinic. His expertise in orthopaedic care ensures that you’ll receive a precise diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan for Enchondroma, improving your overall quality of life. Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards relief and schedule a consultation today.

Diagnosis and Imaging of Enchondroma

The journey towards diagnosing Enchondroma begins with a comprehensive assessment by a medical professional. Dr Kirkham and his team at the Sydney Orthopaedic Surgeon Clinic are equipped with the expertise to conduct a thorough examination. To ensure an accurate diagnosis, Dr Kirkham will review your medical history, inquire about your symptoms, and perform a physical examination to identify any signs associated with Enchondroma.

X-rays play a pivotal role in diagnosing Enchondroma, as they provide an initial view of the affected bone. These images can reveal areas of abnormality, such as calcifications or irregularities within the bone structure. X-rays are an essential step in the diagnostic process and can offer valuable insights into the condition.

For a more detailed and precise assessment, MRI and CT scans may also be used. These advanced imaging techniques offer a clearer picture of the bone and surrounding tissues, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis. MRI scans are particularly effective in visualising soft tissues and can help distinguish Enchondromas from other conditions.

In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary to confirm the presence of Enchondroma definitively. This involves taking a small sample of tissue from the affected area for laboratory analysis under a microscope. Biopsies are typically performed when there is uncertainty about the nature of the growth or if malignancy is suspected. Dr Kirkham and his team will determine the appropriateness of a biopsy based on your specific case.

If you’re concerned about potential Enchondroma symptoms or have experienced discomfort near your bones, seeking expert medical advice is essential. Dr Kirkham and his team at the Sydney Orthopaedic Surgeon Clinic have great experience in dealing with Enchondroma across a variety of patients. Their precise diagnosis is your first step towards a tailored treatment plan and improved quality of life. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr Kirkham and schedule a consultation that kickstarts your path to recovery.

Treatment Options for Enchondroma

When it comes to treating Enchondroma, various options are available, with each depending on the specific case and its severity. One approach is to simply watch and wait, carefully monitoring the condition over time. This approach is often suggested for asymptomatic or small Enchondromas that do not pose an immediate threat. Dr Kirkham and his team will carefully assess the progression of the condition over a period of time to determine if any intervention is necessary.

In cases where treatment is required, surgical intervention becomes a consideration. Surgery may be recommended for larger or symptomatic Enchondromas, or when there is a concern about potential complications. Curettage and bone grafting is the most common surgical method employed to treat Enchondroma. During this procedure, the tumour is carefully scraped out (curettage), and the void left behind is filled with a bone graft. This approach is effective in eliminating the tumour and ensuring that the bone regains its strength and integrity.

Dr Kirkham prefers to employ a minimally invasive technique, utilising autogenous cancellous bone graft that he collects from the back of the wrist to replace the removed tumour. This an extremely safe and routine procedure that not only ensures the removal of the Enchondroma but also promotes bone regeneration and healing.

In some cases, adjuvant therapies such as cryotherapy may be recommended in conjunction with surgical procedures. Cryotherapy involves freezing the affected area to destroy any remaining tumour cells and prevent a recurrence of the condition.

An exciting advancement in the field of bone treatment is the use of bone void filler products like “Bonalive.” These highly mouldable and easy-to-apply forms of putty help to fill the void created by the removal of the Enchondroma, providing structural support to the affected bone and aiding in the healing process.

The choice of treatment method that is selected will depend on the specific characteristics of the Enchondroma and the patient’s individual circumstances. Dr Kirkham and his team will provide a thorough evaluation and recommend the most suitable approach to address the condition effectively. With their expertise and commitment to personalised care, you can trust that you’ll receive the best possible treatment for your Enchondroma. Don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule a consultation at your nearest Sydney Orthopaedic Surgeon clinic and explore your options for recovery.

Prevention and Aftercare for Enchondroma

Preventing the development of Enchondromas is a challenging task because these benign cartilaginous tumours usually form as a result of internal cellular processes. That is, the development and growth of these tumours is generally out of your control. There are currently no research-based associations linking them to external factors such as lifestyle choices or environmental exposure, and as a result, there are no specific measures that Dr Kirkham advises to prevent the development of Enchondroma.

Nevertheless, a series of lifestyle modifications may be recommended to promote adequate healing and minimise the discomfort associated with these tumours. These changes might include simple adjustments to physical activity to limit the strain placed on the affected area, and a calcium-rich diet may be advised to support bone health.

One crucial aspect of managing Enchondroma, and many other conditions of the hand, is the importance of regular follow-up appointments. These appointments allow Dr Kirkham to monitor any progression of the condition, assess the effectiveness of any treatment, and address any emerging concerns promptly. Consistent follow-up care is essential in ensuring that Enchondroma is properly managed over the long term.

Supportive therapies can also play a significant role in the aftercare of Enchondroma. These therapies may include physical rehabilitation to regain strength and mobility in the affected area, as well as pain management strategies to enhance comfort during the healing process. Dr Kirkham and his team will tailor these therapies to meet your individual needs.

They are committed to delivering an aftercare program that addresses your concerns, and they apply their expertise to ensure your condition heals in the most efficient and effective manner. Dr Kirkham’s goal when treating any patient for any clinical condition is to ensure they can return to their normal daily activities and their passions with confidence and peace of mind. If you’ve been diagnosed with Enchondroma and are seeking expert aftercare, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Kirkham for specialised support on your journey towards improved bone health and overall well-being.

The Recovery Process from Enchondroma

The recovery process following Enchondroma treatment can vary based on the specific circumstances of your condition. Typically, the timelines for recovery depend on whether surgery was necessary and if a fracture was associated with the Enchondroma.

For those without a fracture, recovery from surgery typically takes about three weeks. This relatively shorter timeline is often seen in cases where the Enchondroma is isolated and hasn’t caused any significant damage to the bone.

However, if a fracture is present, the recovery period extends to approximately seven weeks following surgery. The presence of a fracture adds complexity to the healing process, requiring more time for the bone to mend properly.

The benefits of physical therapy during the recovery process are significant. Physical therapy can help improve mobility, strengthen the affected area, and enhance overall function. It plays a crucial role in regaining normalcy after Enchondroma treatment, and the guidance of a qualified physical therapist can make a substantial difference in your recovery.

Coping with limitations during recovery can be challenging, but it’s important to be patient with yourself. Enchondroma treatment and recovery may temporarily restrict certain activities, but it’s essential to follow your Dr Kirkham’s recommendations to ensure a successful outcome. Rest assured that with time and proper care, most individuals can resume their regular activities.

Recovery from Enchondroma treatment is a process that demands patience and dedication. Dr Kirkham and his team are committed to guiding you through this journey, ensuring that you receive the necessary care and support to achieve a successful recovery. If you’re considering treatment for Enchondroma or are in the midst of recovery, don’t hesitate to reach out for expert assistance and guidance tailored to your unique needs.

Possible Complications of Enchondroma

Failing to address Enchondroma can lead to several potential complications. Without treatment, benign cartilage tumours may continue to grow, potentially weakening the affected bone. This can increase the risk of fractures or deformities, compromising the structural integrity of the bone. Additionally, untreated Enchondroma may result in persistent discomfort or pain, hindering one’s ability to carry out daily activities and impacting their overall quality of life.

However, it’s important to remember that while surgical treatments for Enchondroma may prove effective in removing the tumour, they do carry inherent risks. As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection, bleeding, or adverse reactions to anaesthesia. Dr Kirkham and his team take every precaution to minimise these risks and ensure a safe surgical experience for their patients. Rest assured, Dr Kirkham has delivered effective treatments for a plethora of patients, and he has an intimate understanding of the procedure and all potential risks involved.

Another risk associated with Enchondroma is the potential for pathological fractures to occur within the weakened bone. Recognising and managing these fractures is essential to prevent further complications. Dr Kirkham’s expertise in orthopaedic care enables him to identify and address these fractures promptly, reducing the potential for additional damage.

One of the more concerning complications associated with Enchondroma is the possibility of malignant transformation into Chondrosarcoma. That is, sometimes, an Enchondroma can transform from being non-cancerous (benign), to cancerous (malignant). While this transformation is rare, it underscores the importance of early detection and intervention. Regular follow-up appointments and vigilant monitoring by Dr Kirkham and his team can help catch any concerning changes and address them promptly if they arise.

If you have concerns about Enchondroma or are experiencing symptoms related to this condition, timely intervention and expert guidance can help prevent complications and ensure the best possible outcome. Take the proactive step towards your health and well-being by reaching out to Dr Kirkham for a consultation today. Your health is their priority, and he is here to provide the care and support you need.

Are You Concerned About Enchondroma?

Discovering that you have an Enchondroma, whether cancerous or not, can undoubtedly be a distressing experience. We understand the uncertainty and concerns that come with such a diagnosis. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this journey.

Timely intervention and expert guidance can make a significant difference in your treatment and recovery. Dr Kirkham is committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive patient care. His approach prioritises your well-being and comfort throughout the entire process, and he always ensures he delivers effective and empathetic treatment, giving you the information and support you need.

Scheduling an appointment at the Sydney Orthopaedic Surgeon Clinic is a proactive step towards addressing your Enchondroma concerns. Our team is here to assist you in your journey to improved bone health and overall well-being.

During your first consultation with Dr Kirkham, you can expect a thorough assessment and a detailed discussion of your condition. This consultation will provide you with valuable insights into your diagnosis, treatment options, and what to expect during the course of your care.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re concerned about Enchondroma. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr Kirkham and take the first step towards a path of expert care, improved health, and peace of mind. Your health and comfort are our top priorities, and Dr Kirkham is here to support you every step of the way.


1. What is the difference between Enchondroma and chondrosarcoma?

Enchondroma is a benign tumour, meaning it is not cancerous. However, in rare cases, it can transform into a malignant tumour called chondrosarcoma. This transformation is exceptionally uncommon when there is only one enchondroma present. People with multiple enchondromas have a slightly higher risk of them becoming malignant. Chondrosarcomas require immediate medical attention and surgical removal to prevent further spread and complications. Regular monitoring and early detection are crucial for managing this risk.


2. Can An Enchondroma grow?

 Yes, Enchondromas can indeed grow. These benign cartilage tumours have the potential to increase in size over time, and as they grow, they may exert pressure on surrounding healthy bone tissue. While Enchondromas are typically non-cancerous and do not metastasize, their growth can lead to complications such as bone weakening or fractures. Regular monitoring and evaluation by a healthcare professional are essential to track any changes in size and take appropriate action if necessary.


3. Can Enchondroma recur after treatment?

Enchondromas generally do not recur after they have been surgically removed. However, if a tumour has caused a bone fracture, it is common for the fracture to heal before addressing the tumour itself. Once the fracture has healed, the tumour can be curetted out to prevent the possibility of another fracture. Timely treatment and follow-up care are essential to ensure the best possible outcome and minimise the risk of recurrence.


4. is the difference between a bone cyst and an Enchondroma?

Enchondromas and bone cysts are distinct entities with different characteristics. Enchondromas typically have less defined borders and may contain a chondroid matrix, which is cartilage-like tissue. They often occur in the metaphysis of bones, such as the proximal humerus. In contrast, bone cysts, specifically unicameral bone cysts, tend to have more well-defined margins and do not typically contain cartilaginous tissue. Distinguishing between the two requires careful examination and imaging by a healthcare professional.


5. Are there any activities I should avoid if I have Enchondroma?

If you have been diagnosed with an Enchondroma, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider for personalised guidance regarding physical activities. Generally, individuals with Enchondroma may need to exercise caution and avoid activities that put excessive strain or impact on the affected bone. However, the specific recommendations will depend on the location, size, and severity of the Enchondroma, as well as your overall health and fitness level. Your healthcare provider can provide tailored advice to ensure your safety and well-being while engaging in physical activities.


  1. John Hopkins Medicine (Enchondroma)
  2. OrthoInfo (Enchondroma)
  3. Cleveland Clinic (Enchondroma)
  4. Tumor Surgery (Enchondroma: Tumors of Bone)